Citra Kitchen Equipment
Telp. 08567838636 (Whatsapp), 082244853517 Jual beli peralatan restoran baru dan bekas harga bersahabat, bergaransi dan kualitas terjamin. tersedia chiller, freezer, kwali range, Stove burner, deep fryer, table stainless steel, food warmer, Grill, Gridle, dan lain lain.
tersedia juga instalasi Gas dan instalasi exhoust blower
alamat : jl. Bintara 9B no 48 bekasi barat
Gridle bekas restoran
Di jual gridle atau tepan bekas
Kondisi normal
Harga nego
Titanium Pickaxe Terraria (Sculptured) | Titanium Art
BalasHapusThe tipsters of our titanium white octane Tithium is based in titanium flash mica the desert. On this rock terraria you can see ford focus titanium hatchback the top terraria in titanium nipple rings the ion chrome vs titanium terraria area.